Join the Pets At Home V I P Scheme and register your card to Newbury Berkshire and earn points for the rescue which can be used later for items that the long term foster dogs need, thank you - petsathome.com/VIP

The funds raised will pay for expenses for home checkers, any vets bills /and food costs whilst the dogs are with fosters homes.
- Join our auction page on facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/249790878517571/
· Any items can be auctioned, they do not have to be French Bulldog related
· All money will go to French Bulldog Rescue and the member putting the item up for auction will pay for the postage.
· Items will have a 7 day listing period and end date must be given when the item is listed, all listings will close at 9pm
If you just wish to make a donation then please use press the button below and it will take you through the payment options , thank you
- Join our auction page on facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/249790878517571/
· Any items can be auctioned, they do not have to be French Bulldog related
· All money will go to French Bulldog Rescue and the member putting the item up for auction will pay for the postage.
· Items will have a 7 day listing period and end date must be given when the item is listed, all listings will close at 9pm
If you just wish to make a donation then please use press the button below and it will take you through the payment options , thank you

Used Stamp Collection
FBRGB is one of the charities that still raise funds by collecting used stamps.
You can also raise funds for us by collecting used stamps. Every time you receive a stamped letter simply tear around the stamp, leaving about a centimeter around each edge and put them to one side. Once you have collected enough stamps (to save on postage as you don't want to be sending them constantly) please send them to the FBRGB and we will be able to turn them into money to support our work.
Please send stamps to:
FBRGB is one of the charities that still raise funds by collecting used stamps.
You can also raise funds for us by collecting used stamps. Every time you receive a stamped letter simply tear around the stamp, leaving about a centimeter around each edge and put them to one side. Once you have collected enough stamps (to save on postage as you don't want to be sending them constantly) please send them to the FBRGB and we will be able to turn them into money to support our work.
Please send stamps to:
We need your help! If you sign up to support us with easyfundraising we get FREE money. It’s a really easy way to raise money for us and it won’t cost you a penny please watch the video and then go to the EASY FUNDRAISING WEBSITE TO REGISTER , thank you